World Travels and Contextualization
HOW-TO: Make a DVD Slide Show (Part 1)

A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words

So what is a slide show worth?� For Mac and Julie's rehearsal dinner, Meg and I along with Meg's parents presented a video slide show that illustrated the lives of Mac and Julie from birth to their engagement.� As many of you know, this is a common activity at rehearsal dinners.� Being the technology person in the family, I get to be the one in charge of turning the pictures into a DVD video, and I rely on everyone else for the actual creativity!

This was the fourth slide show I have worked on.� The first one my Dad did for our rehearsal dinner and I later converted it to a DVD.� The second I did for my parents' 30th wedding anniversary, the third and fourth ones were done for Kim & Tom's and Mac & Julie's rehearsal dinners, respectively.� During each project I learned something new, and I have found that I really do enjoy creating some tangible media that can be shared with others.� In the next few days I plan on blogging about the steps I took from scanning the pictures to burning the DVD, but I wanted to share this most recent slide show with you in case you didn't get to see it or wanted to see it again.

Mac & Julie's Slide Show

Might I also say, that Google Video does a great job for uploading large video files.� The original video file was over 700 MB and 21 minutes and Google took it with no problems.� YouTube actually has a 10 minute limit, so that wasn't even an option for me.� If you want to watch a zoomed in version, you can watch the video on Google Video directly (recommended).� Enjoy!


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