Blogging about blogging...
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Well, I guess I've been a bit of a bum when it has come to blogging over the past several months. Not that we're keeping score, but when I look at the numbers, Meg has out-blogged me 44-7, so I've pretty much given up on ever catching up. I guess we know who the writer of the family is! I do still want this blog to show evidence that I am in fact alive, so hopefully I will be able to pick up the frequency a bit more.
As I think about blogging more, it is interesting to think about the organic life of a blog and how (in some ways at least) the audience gets to choose the content. If a blog about insects suddenly started blogging about Alaskan sports, readers would probably be upset and there would be great outcry and protests. So, hopefully, as Meg has established a great rhythm of content that has captured your interest for the past 6 months, my posts won't drive you away like a kayaking polar bear chasing a gypsy moth! And remember, there is no need to panic, since for every blog I write, you'll get to read six more of Meg's!