Christmas is Near If any of you in the Austin area are interested in knowing about Christmas and holiday events scheduled over the next month, click here. I have my eyes on a couple of them! Read more →
November 2007
Preparing for Christmas
Thursday, November 29, 2007
I love Christmas! It's my most favorite time of year with the sights, sounds, smells and tastes of the holiday season. It brings such delight to my heart, and this year our Christmas celebration will be very special as it's... Read more →
I Am Thankful
Thursday, November 22, 2007
It's a cold, blistery day here in San Antonio, an ideal temperature to curl up on the couch with a book or to watch "The Thanksgiving Day Parade" while smelling the aroma of the turkey roasting in the oven next... Read more →
Home Sweet Home!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Oh, what a wonderful feeling it is to be back after trekking through South Asia and England for 17 days! The arms of my husband felt amazing as we embraced for the first time in two and a half weeks.... Read more →
PRODUCING THE SLIDE SHOW VIDEO This is the fourth part in a series on how to make a DVD Slide Show. So far we have walked through how to scan, crop, and resize your pictures; create a video with transitions... Read more →
And I'm Leavin' On a Jet Plane
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Well, the time has arrived for me to get on another airplane and head overseas for 2.5 weeks! Matt is taking me to the airport momentarily, where we will embrace each other one more time before I return on November... Read more →
But the Greatest of These is Love
Friday, November 02, 2007
In an earlier post, I described the importance of contextualization in ministry so the hearers of the Gospel, whatever people group that may be, can understand the Message in the context within all dimensions of their culture. I came across... Read more →
Yesterday was our first Halloween while living in a house, which means that it was the first year we actually bought candy for the neighborhood trick-or-treaters! Previously, we resided in apartments and we didn't have any Halloween visitors. So this... Read more →