What a Week It's Been
Little Black Boot

Scaredy Dog

Who would have thought that blogging would become a medium to share the kooky side of our family?  Certainly not Matt.  But surely it would be a lot less fun if we didn't disclose such random, spontaneous stories of our lives.  To us, they are hilarious.  To the average reader, a little funny at best.  But nevertheless, we will keep sharing these strange momentos of our lives.

Our little Molly has been known to eat bees, flies, and other such grotesque creatures that make us wonder what God was thinking them when He made them.  Even in the middle of a Bible study, she has demonstrated her technique in quickly snatching a bug buzzing around to bring about its demise by swallowing it in one fell swoop.  After being stung by a bee on her nose as a puppy, she has developed a fear of the bigger buzzing bugs.  Which brings us to this evening.

While sitting on the floor talking after Matt got home from work, we soon noticed a puppy that was snapping at the air, obviously trying to kill her foe:  a large fly (that must have been accidentally let in when Matt got home).  It swarmed and buzzed all about her, and Miss Molly started running all over the place, even up and down the stairs to try to escape such a disagreeable insect.  It was quite amusing watching her run hither to, to be in any other room but with the fly.  Back and forth.  Up and down the stairs.  The bedroom to the library.  The back door to the front door.  Whatever path of narrow escape she could create, she tried.  We finally put her in our bedroom and closed the door so she could take an anxiety break and we could finish our conversation in peace.  But we knew we had a mission for the evening:  to kill that dang fly, or else, Molly would start hyperventilating; she couldn't even calm down in our bedroom we could hear her breathing so loud. 

We have a fairly high ceiling in our entry way with a window at least 8 feet above our front door.  It takes Matt climbing an extension ladder to clean the window (yes, I'm anal enough to make him get up there and clean it every now and then).  Smart fly made its way up there.  Matt first tried using an old magazine to throw up to the window to get the fly to move.  First failed attempt.  So we collected a number of Matt's baseball caps and started throwing them at the window to try to get the fly to come down to civilization where we could swat it.  After 2 baseball caps getting stuck on the window ledge, and the stubborn fly staying put, we then turned to tennis balls.  We thereby ended up with 2 tennis balls stuck up on the ledge, then 3.  The fly was still not budging.  In an attempt to get some of the balls off the ledge, I threw one of Matt's caps up there, only to get stuck on the ledge along with the 3 tennis balls.  What in the world!!  We're trying to kill a fly for our scaredy dog?!  Who does this?!  Only crazy people who love their dog WAY TOO much!  It was quite a humorous turn of events for the evening.  But finally, after that last cap throw, the fly flew into our laundry room where Matt proceeded to swat it at least ten times, while I yelled, "Close the door so it doesn't escape!"

Now we needed to show Molly it was safe to come out.  Where was she of all places?  In our bedroom closet!!  Hiding in the closet the dear puppy was, afraid of a fly.  We showed the dead fly to her and she still ran away in the opposite direction.  But the fly was dead, and our dog would soon return to sanity.  Mission accomplished. 


[this is good] That is hilarious...with photos to prove it!  I recommend submitting this tale for publication in "Craziest Pet Tails".  

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