Festival of Pictures
Family Portraits

Not Me!



While this is the first of MckMama’s ‘Not me’! Monday posts I’ve written, it by no means indicates that I have been short of ‘not me’ events in my life over the last six and a half months!  In fact, I’ve been trying to keep a running list of them for such a time as this:  a time when I actually have time to write for a Monday post.  For those of you who don’t know, baby Stellan’s momma, a.k.a. “MckMama”, created this savvy post idea in which us bloggers can be honest about all the crazy stuff we did or didn’t do during the week.  It’s a freeing, creative way for me to air my dirty laundry, in other words.  It’s surprisingly very therapeutic.  And funny!  So here we go…

I certainly do not encourage Molly to charge outside to attack the squirrels who jump onto the bird feeder to steal the food.  Not me!

It was not completely unbeknownst to me that Brennan outgrew the set length of the Baby Bjorn until when introducing him to a coworker of my Momma’s who said, “Why are his legs purple?”  Nope.  Not me!

We were not in the middle of downtown Austin visiting the Children’s Museum last week when I realized I didn’t have enough change for the meter.  So I did not opt to feed Brennan his banana in his stroller beside our car out in the heat so I didn’t have to pay the meter until the last possible second.  And it wasn’t next to a large, loud construction site for a sky rise with all sorts of passersby.  Nor did I leave home without a spare change of clothes for Brennan.  So when he proceeded to soak himself and his only outfit with pee while changing his diaper, I didn’t opt to spare my clothes from getting soiled or skip the painstaking labor of washing the stroller and the car seat and instead carry around a naked (albeit diapered) baby around the city of Austin.  Heavens, not me!

I do not, and I mean do not, take a diaper wipe (a clean one) to “wet” Brennan’s hair in the morning to get it to stay in place (since he gets his bath at night).  No, that would be weird.  And lazy.  And make him smell like diaper wipes.  Fresh diaper wipes though.  No, Not me!

Instead of giving Brennan the fresh food I’d planned on making him, I did not choose to give him red potatoes even though they were a few weeks old.  They looked and smelled good to me; I would’ve eaten them.  So I did not make my baby boy sick by either giving him old potatoes or making them too starchy/gluey thereby upsetting his digestive system.  It did not make him throw up several times, even in his sleep.  I did not do that!  Not me!  I tell you, Not me!

See, don’t you feel better about your week?  If you want to feel even better, take a look at what MckMama and other goofballs like myself wrote here.

Happy Not Me!  Monday.  <grin>


Oh, too funny :)

Meg, this is a great forum for writing! I might blog my own version, but for now I'll say I do NOT check all 5 farmtown accounts before checking my work email and I do NOT leave unloading the dishwasher for Ben because I hate drying dishes that will dry themselves if given enough time.
Okay that's all for me. The writer in me does not like writing in negatives.

AWESOME! I didn't even think any of them were too bad until the potato story. And now i just can't stop laughing. he threw up in his sleep! hahaha Poor baby!

It was a fun post to write, but I wasnt used to writing in the negative myself.  Its odd!  Cant wait to read your version if you decide to do it.

Love it! I love MckMama and precious Stellan! Oh and this whole post I was just nodding my head...but I certainly have *not* done any of those things! :-)

hi!! this post was great! how we can all relate! :) hope you guys are doing wonderfully. (ps. this may post with a wacky name...i'm not sure what i'm doing wrong. but it's just me. janna :) )

I love this concept Mama Meg! Helps us crazy moms not take ourselves to seriously. I definately did not run my newborn's head into the wall while I was wearing her in my sling today. Not me!

Oh, Tracy.  I know I shouldnt be laughing at your comment, but I am.  :)  Bless you all and give your precious ones a hug for me!

Great idea! I loved yours and all the response comments. Tracy's did make me laugh out loud! As a grandmother of 5 and having raised 2 children, I have lots of "did nots!"
As for the latest, I did not walk the 4 grandkids 2 blocks to a health fair at the park without checking the 2 yr-old's diaper. I did not see her hold her sodden diaper (just wet, thank you, God) in the air for all to see, having pulled it out through one of the legs of her shorts. I did not let her walk around for 10 min's diaperless until it occurred to me that the 11-yr.-old could run the two blocks to the car for another diaper. (for you city folks, we live in small town USA and it was safe for him). I did not make her lay her head on a metal bench, then I did not put the diaper on her as she stood with people swarming all around us, because she threatened to let loose one of her famous screaming fits at having her head laid on metal.
I AM glad to be able to say that when the lady at the booth said, "How embarrassing!" when she saw Addie holding the diaper like a banner, I didn't hang my head, but looked her straight in the eyes and laughed and meant it. The latter comes with being 55 and a grandmother.

Love your posts, Meg!

OH mom/gma

That's hilarious, Beth! Thanks for the good laugh this morning. That's a
fun memory you'll have to share with your granddaughter one day.

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