I Have to Believe
Two Characters

Go Get ‘Em and Gig ‘Em

Keep your eyes wide open and locked on the little blonde-haired, blue eyed babe.  If you don’t, you’re going to miss out on something!

For the past few days, we’ve had so many firsts that I can’t keep up with the tyke.  He’s definitely tummy crawling with grunting noises ‘cause it’s such hard work, I suppose.  I haven’t exercised that hard in what?  A year?  More than?  I’d probably grunt too if I worked my body that hard.  He rolled from his back to his tummy for the first time.  Had his first barrel roll.  First consecutive movements of sitting up to tummy crawling to sitting back up again after retrieving the item he was fixated on:  his paci.  He’s standing for longer periods of time holding onto a table or an ottoman.  He transferred himself standing up from the ottoman to the leather chair and back to the ottoman with no help.  And he pulled himself up this morning on a basket without any help for the first time!  Seriously, it’s been one thing after the other!  I think he’ll be crawling by the end of next week or least within the next two.  That is if he stops rolling onto his back after a few tummy crawls.

In addition, aside from some family birthday celebrations, Brennan attended his first birthday party for his friend Evan, who turned three.  Evan had his awesome party at Arrowhead Ranch, a petting zoo.  Unfortunately, Matt wasn’t able to go because he was working.  He was really bummed!  Brennan was introduced for the first time to bunnies, goats, a donkey, miniature horses (which he got to ride on), and roosters.

A big thanks to Abe the donkey and Cheyenne the mini horse for being super nice!  Oh, and yes, Brennan takes after Molly in that the first thing he went for on the ground was a rock—the biggest rock there was next to him. 

(You can click on the album to view larger pictures).



As you can tell, Brennan was decked out in a Texas A&M jersey gifted by his Uncle Mac and Aunt Julie.  I saved it just for today in honor of college football starting (and in honor of Uncle Mac who is an Aggie alum)!  I am ecstatic about it being September and football season…and so is Brennan!  I had to come home from the party and put him in his first pair of blue jeans which made it feel like fall all the more.

Next weekend, Mac and Julie are participating in their first half triathlon in Williamsburg, VA.  We’re so proud of them!  They’ve been training their little tooshies off for months now.  We wish we could be there to cheer them on in person.  As a substitute though, we put together the following video for them to replay throughout the week to spur them on and encourage them as they swim, bike and run.  It’s an Aggieland/Triathlon celebratory combo!

Mac and Julie, we’ll be cheering you on all week as you finish training and as you strut your stuff next weekend!  Go get ‘em!

Ya’ll enjoy game day.  Gig ‘em!


Oh my gosh! Isn't it crazy how they just TAKE OFF and learn new things all at once?!? And, so far, it's been a good game day for the Dear Ole Ags! Gig 'em!

I'm loving all these new pictures and Brennan stories! It won't be long till he follows you around the house like a little puppy!

He was so precious at the party. Thanks for celebrating with us again. We're ready to celebrate Brennan's birthday (but I won't rush it!). The pictures turned out great. I loved his Aggie gear.

I am loving all the pictures!! Keep them coming :)

I couldn't be a prouder uncle! Brennan rode his first horse, he'll be hooked for sure! Thank you Meggie for the surprise and encouragement. We wish you all could be there as well! Brennan looks so great in his aggie gear; I'm glad they didn't let him down for his first game. Love you

I couldn't be a prouder uncle! Brennan rode his first horse, he'll be hooked for sure! Thank you Meggie for the surprise and encouragement. We wish you all could be there as well! Brennan looks so great in his aggie gear; I'm glad they didn't let him down for his first game. Love you

Cute video! Great update too.

How cute is he in those little jeans!!!!!! He is just too cute, I can't stand it! You are in so much trouble when he starts getting around!

What a cutie in those jeans! Couldn't you just eat him up?! It looks like y'all are having fun!

We loved the video and watched it several times already. The signs are hilarious, but the best part is bobbing Brennan dancing to the music! Thank you so much for such a thoughtful gift and for being such an amazing encourager! we are super tired from the weekend and will need all the cheers near and far to pull us to the finish line. cheer for me to beat Mac and for mac to finish. heheeheh JK :)

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