Truth That Will Stick
Spontaneous Pumpkin Festival Delight

I’m Alive

You can call off the search parties.  I am alive.  And well.  Just a bit wind blown from the whirlwind our family has been in for the past five weeks.  On one hand, the whirlwind has been exhilarating, treasured, and memorable.  On the other hand, it’s been exhausting and stressful.  The stretch stress marks are apparent when you look at my more tightly fitting jeans after devouring bags and bags of Oreos, averaging a bag every two days.  Why am I admitting that?  I don’t know.  It somehow seems cathartic to confess it.  It’s shamefully true.  When I’m stressed, I eat.  I eat chocolate.  And now, I’m weeping over the fact that it’s so dang hard to lose the effects of binging on Oreos…or chocolate covered cashews that I bought for our house guests that I ate one night while they were sitting out in the candy dish…or piece after piece of chocolate Texas sheet cake.

Oh, wait, I guess I am alive.  But not well.  My body has been drowned by sugar.  That can’t be good.  That seriously cannot be good.  Someone help me, please!

It’s been so long since I’ve blogged that I don’t even remember where I left off.  In a nutshell, we returned home from El Paso to a sick husband who was in the throes of both a hectic work schedule while also prepping for a series of interviews for a potential new job.  We started an awesome music class and MOPS.  I cleaned the house top to bottom like it hadn’t been cleaned in nearly a year…’cause well, it hadn’t been and it needed it…badly!  I should buy stock in cleaning supply companies.  What were the boy’s small tummy crawl strides with grunting soon turned into one legged crawls every few feet.  But both of those are a thing of the past; not only do we have a full-blown crawler, he’s fast, pulling up on everything, and is having to quickly learn the word “no”.  We had Matt’s and my folks and my brother and sister in law in town for a few days for Brennan’s dedication.  A few days after that, the five girls I lived with my senior year in college came for a five-day reunion.  Our kitchen has been the center of constant activity and fragrant (I hope) aromas.  We accepted a job offer given to Matt, whose last day with his former employer of nine years was last Friday.  We’ll have a week off together and then his first day at the new job is the 19th.  We’re still trying to get Brennan’s nap schedule in order after dwindling down to two naps, which I think have been affected by all his motor development and the four teeth trying to pop through.  Argh.  Lastly, I’m slowly getting the house back in working order after all our visitors.  It’ll take me awhile to get caught up blogging about all our special events, but I wanted to check in and say ‘hi’.  Thank you sweet Internet peeps, for caring about me and checking in!

The first order of business to write about was Brennan’s eight month birthday…which was nearly a month ago!  Eee-gads!  These pictures were taken right at 8 months, and please allow me to back-track a bit to the things that marked that occasion.  

IMG_0190Oh, how your eyes still mesmerize me.  I could stare into them for hours if you let me.  But you’re too eager to explore a whole new world that is at your fingertips.  It’s getting difficult to read to you because you want to be on the move constantly. 

IMG_0191You are quite the observer, taking in new situations and environments like our Kindermusik class and the nursery at church and MOPS.  You quietly and very seriously soak up your new surroundings, and then when you feel comfortable, you are a passionate participant.  Two words have been used regularly by the nursery workers when they describe you:  a “joy” and a “doll”.  You learn a lot by watching; I will show you how to do something and then you try to imitate me, like when I showed you how to eat Puffs.  You have since perfected your pincer grab and love feeding yourself. 

IMG_0192You love to laugh…sometimes for no obvious reason (at least to us).  You could be sitting in your high chair and turn to look at Daddy and break out into a loud cackle.  Or after your bath, Daddy will bring you out all wrapped up in your towel for me to give you kisses and you’ll simply giggle.  You’re ticklish, too.  That is sure to bring on some giggles.  Molly sparks laughs often.

IMG_0193On our walks, we talk a lot about how God is our strength and that He is mighty to save.  With so many big decisions to make and upcoming changes in our family, and so many tough, tough things our loved friends and family members are facing, that Truth has been so important for us to believe and hang onto.

IMG_0195We watch kiddos waiting for the school bus in the morning now.  That first day of school, I lost it.  I was the odd woman pushing a stroller, wrangling a dog at the same time and weeping.  Tears rolled down my cheeks as I watched parents taking pictures and videotaping their children climbing that big yellow bus for the first time.  Even as I see more and more of your legs as I look down at you in the stroller as they lengthen and grow, I hope time will be gracious.

IMG_0194Meems was the first one to coin you “a ham”.  When your great grandfather, Papa, saw you for the second time when we met him in Hillsboro for lunch, he also used the word “ham” to describe you.  Thus far, a number of other people have used it as well.  For Daddy’s sake, “a ham” is a phrase used to describe someone who is overly dramatic, one who enjoys being in the spotlight.  It is true.  You are a ham!

IMG_0196At eight months, you are a great little stander-upper, holding onto things well by yourself, even transferring on your own from a side table to the adjacent chair.  You are one brave explorer, needing my hands less and less.  <tear>  Your frustration with not being able to completely crawl is peaking.  Tummy crawling is helping with that though.  You’ve mastered sitting up from a tummy position, too.  We had to lower your crib to the lowest setting after catching you standing up!  You love to practice pulling up on the big basket and ottoman.  My most favorite move of yours is your pivot.  You go around n’ around in circles on your bottom!  There are two things you go for repeatedly:  Molly and my leather bound Daily Light devotional.  You are relentless toward those two.  And I think you’re quickly realizing what “no” and “no touch” mean, since Molly’s water bowl was the first no-touch item you set your sights on. 

IMG_0197You love the addition of spices I’ve added to your food:  ginger, cinnamon, allspice and even curry!  Swinging is your favorite thing to do at the park, along with playing with the rocks and sticks.


Your one tooth grin is killer!

IMG_0201I have to psych myself up to get you dressed and change your diaper because it could either go really well or be a complete screaming session accompanied by leg stompin’ action.  There are even times when you try to skedaddle your way out of it by flipping over.  Oh, we have your number, Mister.  You’re not gonna get out of a diaper change that easy.  I thought I had more time before tantrums immerged, but I was wrong. 

IMG_0199I leave you with something I wrote in my journal dated August 25, 2009:

I listened to a perfectly timed message from Beth Moore (Esther, session 4) about fear, and as I did, I was overcome by love for you.  I gripped your face and kissed your head long and hard.  You are a vast unknown to me, but not to be feared, even if you already have tantrums I don’t know what to do about.  One thing I do know:  you are full of joy, adventure, inquisitiveness, and excitement.  My love overflows for you, Brennan.  I am on a journey with you, little one.  A journey not to fear, but to be one brave momma.  I will take heart and not be afraid.  I will be strong and courageous and know that the Lord God is with me wherever I go.  (Joshua 1:9)


glad to hear you're still here. lol. and your baby!! AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

Oh Meg! I am so glad to hear from you! I hope you are doing well. The pictures of your Little One are unbelievable! I can't stand how fast they grow! But he is CUTE!

AWH! He is getting SO big! I love watching him grow! Glad to hear everything is going well.

I am so happy to have your blogging back....I have missed hearing about your happenings, thoughts and seeing that precious little one when I can't have the real live thing!! :)
I love your writing... the transparency and wisdom all rolled into one. Welcome back, little blogger!

I was beginning to wonder about you. I'm glad you're still alive and tickin. I can't believe how big your lil' man is getting!!!! :)

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