Nine Months Down
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Hello, ya’ll! And a very happy Saturday to you! If your kiddos or you are dressing up for Halloween, what are you all going as? We have a little monkey crawling and climbing around here. If you ask me, his costume this year is very befitting. I couldn’t decide between an elephant, a bear, a moose, a monkey, or a giraffe. And I’ve learned that when it comes to making decisions about clothes, costumes, or Christmas presents, I’m barking up the wrong tree when I look to my hubby for help. Bless him. So I wrote the costume choices on little pieces of paper, wadded them up, set them in front of Brennan, and let him pick. A monkey was chosen, and a monkey was meant to be.
Two weeks ago, my Chunky Monkey turned nine months old!
Little angel boy, this is what you were up to that ninth month of your precious life:
- A week into your ninth month, you became an official crawler! You’re a fast crawlin’, pullin’ up, explorin’ machine! This came at the perfect time because it helped you entertain yourself while Mommy was bustling getting ready for your dedication and her Country House reunion. You’re ready to run the races!
- You LIGHT UP when Daddy comes home from brining home the bacon. You give him the biggest smiles! Daddy still gives me hugs and kisses first though; I’ve one-upped you on that. <grin>
- You’re fascinated with Molly’s doggy door.
- You ate your first French fry at McDonald’s, thanks to our friend, Miss Janna. It was a very momentous occasion, and since then, I love giving you a fry every now and then for you to maul.
- Naps took a hit for a good while since you wanted to continue your exploring, playing, and practicing of your new moves.
- You had your first haircut with Miss Judy. It’s time for another one.
- You are a healthy eater, and I can’t name something off the top of my head that you don’t like. You even gave Mommy’s taco soup a try that she pureed, although that was probably a least favorite…too spicy as of yet, silly Mommy! You seem to not handle dairy products well and Mommy still needs to avoid them for your tummy’s sake. Bananas, avocado, blueberries, and apples are your top favorites.
- You got rhythm, buddy. When you hear music, you bob your head up and down to the beat. You’re my music man.
- One of your favorite games is when you’ve finished your bottle and you’re sitting on my lap, I’ll declare, “I’m gonna get you” and pretend to sneak up behind you and wrap my arms
around you in an enormous hug saying, “I got you!” You’ll smile that great big smile of yours and play with me for a little bit until you’re ready to explore the lay of the land by trying to dive off my lap.
- You say “Momma, Momma” when you need something. And “Da Da” made its appearance this month! Whoop!
- You think very methodically about your mobility maneuvers, using the bottoms of our tables, chairs, and your high chair as jungle gyms.
- This was the month you had your notorious diaper explosion of diarrhea, leaving behind a pool of it in your high chair. Tending to you first, I left the horrific mess to clean up later, but a certain puppy that you love got to it first. I was mortified. MORTIFIED! Two hours later, both you and Molly, your high chair and bits of our carpet all had a good cleaning. I do not want to relive it ever again.
- You clap!
- We’ve already lowered your crib to the lowest setting, and it’s a good thing, because I often catch you standing up ON YOUR BUMPER looking over your crib. That bumper props you up an additional 3 inches. I just hope I don’t find you propelling out of the crib one day.
- Your lone tooth that you’ve had for months finally has a pal. Your second bottom tooth finally came in, and there are four huge, white knobs appearing along on your top gums that will be new teeth at any time. Bless
your heart!
- Your favorite thing to do at the park, besides play with rocks and sticks, is swing.
- You soak up my kisslets, and on occasion, return my butterfly kisses with your whole face.
- You love my iPhone just as much as me.
- With all the sounds you’re discovering with your mouth and tongue, you are your own musical instrument.
- At 9 months, you weigh 19 lb. 10 oz. (40th percentile) and are 30 inches long (93rd percentile).
- Another favorite game of yours is chase, and it goes both ways with either me chasing you or you chasing me.
- You wave ‘hello’.
- You have a big bottle when you wake up and go to bed, eat three solid food meals a day, and then have smaller bottles for snacks.
- You like hanging out in the kitchen with me playing in the pantry.
- You’re still sleeping through the night 10.5-11 hours and taking two naps during the day that last anywhere from 45 minutes to 1.5 hours. Mommy likes the longer naps.
- You now have been with us out of my tummy just as long as you were in my tummy. Crazy!
- You have the biggest, brightest smile.
- You are my bestest little buddy in the whole wide world, and I have such fun with you! You made me actually enjoy a baby! <grin>
I just love hearing Brennan stories with cute pictures. You just have to post some Monkey pics! It looks like he might like Daddy's cereal too!
Posted by: Nana | Saturday, October 31, 2009 at 09:48 PM
Soooooooooooooooo cute!!!!! )
Posted by: Lauren Kelly | Sunday, November 01, 2009 at 09:00 AM
He is getting so big!! Those smiles just make it all worth it, don't they?!?
Posted by: Christina | Monday, November 02, 2009 at 01:16 PM
You've changed two other peoples' lives as well! We could NEVER have imagined how our hearts would light up over such a little one....a little monkey at that...but they did and always will.
Posted by: Meems | Monday, November 02, 2009 at 09:06 PM