Mine, All Mine
Our Dear Friend

A Little Advice Needed

Hey, all! There’s a lot that’s happened over the last week that I hope to write about more in the coming days, but just wanted to ask my Internet peeps a question. ‘Cause I’m in need for some advice. The three of us are possibly making a last minute road trip, 10 hours one way mind you, this weekend. Any suggestions from your own travel experiences in the car with a toddler on how to make it more enjoyable for all of us <grin>?  Things to take, things to do? You name it, I’m game. The only option that is out for this particular trip is driving through the night. Oh, and while you’re at it, might as well add your travel tips for flying with a toddler, too. ‘Cause that’s comin’ up later this summer also. I will try writing more specific updates later today or tomorrow. In the meantime, we’re hitting the pool to stay cool. Thanks in advance for your suggestions and I’ll just let you get to it <grin>. On your mark, get set, GO!


We always traveled LONG distances by car. It helped if one of us would it in the back seat with the child, and they wouldn't feel so left out. Obvious, but hard to do, because I like sitting next to my sweetie! Anyway, we also played kiddie music (Psalty..remember those?) and would sing along with them. When they got a little older, we would listen to Adventures in Odyssey--play one, quiet for 1/2 and hour, then another one. It broke up the time.

Other ideas are little surprises they can open, that are toys that are new to them, something they would enjoy playing with in the car.

I hope you guys get to go. I know it would mean a lot to everyone to see you. :) We can't make it. :(

A few things that have worked for us:
-A small steering wheel toy to "drive along" with us in the car. The one I got was $5 from HEB of all places.
-Lots of books
-Small matchbox type cars or trucks were actually great for the airport. Small to fit in a diaper bag and they don't make crazy noises to annoy fellow passengers.
-A steady stream of snacks
-Plenty of breaks along the way
-TV shows on the ipod/iphone...you can download anything from Sesame Street to Mickey Mouse for a couple bucks.
-Check the airports you will use. Some of them have fantastic play areas. Let him get out all that energy before having to sit on a plane.
-Nab a bulkhead seat if you can. We let PAKman play for several areas in the "extra space" and it worked great.

We just did two 8 hour and two 4 hour legs to and from Missouri. It was hard, especially for Annabeth. What I figured out by the end was that she liked watching Jackson's DVD's. Maybe you could take a laptop and play some videos if it gets crazy in the car.

Lots of snacks and new toys/books from the Dollar store! A cookie sheet and big magnets! Also, when you stop for lunch, stop somewhere with a play area and let him play while you eat, and then let him eat in the car. It lets him burn energy and then keeps him busy for another good 30 mins back on the road. Good luck!

We just returned from a bit of car and plane travel. I bring lots of drawing stuff (mini chalkboard, small magnadoodle, those un-messy markers...color wonder), LOTS of stickers, portable DVD player (seriously mandatory!), music CD's for the car, "new" toys from dollar spot, "new" books from the library, lots of yummies,

On planes, I second the recommendation for the bulkhead. It's so much more roomy. The other good place, in my opinion, is the back of the plane because it is already loud. We've always had better plane rides with carseats than with riding on laps (even if you don't buy a ticket, sometimes you can use an empty seat). Hope this helps! Safe driving and flying friend!

Thanks, Connie, for your suggestions! Yes, I remember Psalty...I loved those tapes! In fact, I went searching for them about a month ago and found them. I ordered some of the CDs and have absolutely loved playing them for Brennan. Tomorrow well hit the dollar store for some surprise toys. :) Thanks again and hugs to you.

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