Lord, Have Mercy
All Smiles

Favorite Foto Friday

Does it count that I started this post on Friday?

Thank you all for agreeing with me in prayer in my last post. Matt has been in Canada since Tuesday, and we will be overjoyed to have him home tomorrow. At the same time, we will be so sad to see Mees depart. She has blessed us tremendously with laughter, helping hands, food, and fun outings. I could not have done it without her help! 

Our family is also grateful for Matt's dad's recovery. We were not sure Ed was going to make it through last week; it could have gone either way because of a blood condition that makes him highly prone to clotting. Such clotting around the stents after his heart attack last week is what caused his second heart attack on Monday. He has a lengthy recovery ahead of him with a few glitches like allergic reactions to some meds, but we are hopeful and anticipate his discharge from the hospital either Sunday or Monday. While his and Ruth's meeting of Kensington will be postponed until later this fall, we praise Jesus for the gift of more time and the opportunity we trust he will have to meet her.

Now here are some of my favorite pics from the last two weeks.

The Mister and Little Missy soaking in the rays and the blessing of a bit cooler days outside to play. Who knew 90 degrees could feel cool?



She looked so pretty until her Guinness Book of World Records diaper blowout that covered nearly her entire belly and backside and leaked a huge puddle of poo onto my pants. You know you have good friends when they stay to help you in the parking lot after lunch to get you and your daughter cleaned up. I have rightfully earned the nickname, "Meghan Poopy Pants", thus saving my precious girl from the shame.


The smile. Oh, the smile.



Football season has commenced! The next few pictures were taken last Sunday before the TX A&M game and our dear buddy, Evan's, birthday party. Brennan needs his Uncle Mac to help him with the "Gig 'Em" sign, but the school spirit is still evident (he's just waving his index finger up and down).


This picture cracks me up. Kensie is top-heavy with the big bow while Brennan looks at her annoyed that she's crying.


That's better.

Can't believe this was him 2 years ago:

Picture 044

And this is him now:



This past Tuesday, Brennan started a two-days a week preschool/Mother's Day Out. He was ecstatic! The day we met his two teachers he ran in the room, waved at me and said, "Bye, Bye, Momma". I wasn't sure I should cry over his confidence and excitement or that he is old enough to be going to 'school'! 

Some of his all-time favorite books are the If You Give A Mouse a Cookie series which includes If You Take a Mouse to School.  I surprised him with a small stuffed mouse character from the books for him to take in his back pack to school. Along with his Toy Story cup, the dude is set.


Oh, my heart.


We pulled into the school parking lot the first day with Brennan saying, "My's school! My's school!" After hearing, "When I going to school?" at least twenty-five times that morning before leaving, I wasn't surprised in the least when once again, he went into his classroom with a smile on his face, beelining it for the play animals. 

Kensington and I went home and took advantage of some rest time. I felt so lost walking into our home without Brennan. What a great start I was off to when I woke up in a startle at 12:55 p.m., five minutes before I needed to leave to pick up our bestest boy buddy (and I was hoping to feed Kensie before leaving)! I was gonna be the mom who was late picking up her child the first day of school because I overslept! Thankfully, we made it in time, but goodness gracious, Meg.


Thank you, again, for your prayers and encouragement to our family! I'm grateful, dear readers.

Simply trusting,



I am blessed by each of your blogs...thank you for sharing your life with all of us.

Beautiful pictures! Love those kiddos! Thankful for Ed's progress.

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