We Have Ourselves A Walker
An Odd Pumpkin Tale

Finally…I Can Spill Some Beans

For the last three weeks, my fingers have been itching to share some incredible news with you all, and finally…FINALLY…I got the go-ahead. Actually, the week of Kensie’s dedication was by far one of the most emotional weeks I’ve ever experienced. Not only did we have an incredible celebration, but within a span of a week, we received news of answered prayers to three very significant circumstances we’d been asking and talking to Jesus about. Some of them have been prayers for years. So to take in the amazing answers to each of these prayers in a matter of days was slaying.

God showed off a lot that week! For this dessert lover, He didn’t just bring out a variety of ice cream for us to feast upon for dessert (as amazingly tasty a scoop of Bluebell mint chocolate chip can be), but He brought out a platter of delectables that far surpassed what we could ever put together ourselves, perfectly designed for each of our palettes. It was a resounding, “Look. Let me show you what I am capable of,” kind of week. And in His gentle splendor, He let us feast upon His goodness.

I have the privilege of sharing one of those answers to prayer this evening. And as I’ve been waiting eagerly for permission to do so, I find myself at a loss for words. Maybe this will be a good clue.



Take it in. Look closely. Don’t miss it. Because at first glance I did and was told I passed the pictures too quickly. Already in tears of excitement and gratitude when Mac and Julie shared their news, I yanked the sonogram pictures out of Matt’s dad’s hands to get a closer look. And at that point, my face turned into a dumbfounded, unbelievable, can’t-believe-my-eyes kind of expression. I don’t think my jaw has come off the ground yet.

Not only is my little brother and his precious wife pregnant with their first baby, they are going to have TWINS!


Their due date is around April 23rd, but more likely the TWINS (holy cow!) will arrive the end of March. And Mac and Julie find out the genders around November 9th. Mac and Julie have received more texts from me in the last three weeks; if anyone will wear them down with excitement, it will be me. I am a giddy aunt exploding with joy and storing up love to pour into these children. The itching in my fingers is calming down slightly, but my heart is still pounding.

As we celebrate the fruition of hopes deferred that we received a few weeks ago through answered prayers, I know that there are a number of you still waiting. Waiting for direction, for healing, for answers from God, for jobs, for a deep longing. As I’ve prepared to write this blog, I’ve been thrilled to share this news, but those of you who are in a holding pattern that’s achy and hard, you’ve not been far from my thoughts and prayers as well. I pray this night that as you read, that you would be strengthened in your waiting upon the Lord, that you would have the courage to keep pressing into Him, and the grace to keep trusting. It’s hard and it’s not easy. But He is good and He loves you, and He completely satisfies every crevice of our beings that needs to be filled.

My love to each of you tonight.

I believe that I shall look upon the goodness

of the Lord in the land of the living! Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!

Psalm 27:13-14


Favorite picture is Brennan pointing to the tummy. When asked how many were in there, he counted to FIVE!! So glad there are just two. You'll be the best aunt!

Very exciting news for all of you, my daughter had identical twin girls and believe me I was excited, tired and just full of blessings as a grandma.


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