May Days

One Blessing After Another

April. I’m not sure where it went. But it went. And it went somewhere fast.

April is one of my most favorite months. Not just because it’s my birthday month, although that has a lot to do with it, I’m not gonna lie. It is hands-down, in Texas, the prettiest month of the whole year. And we’re blessed with an unseasonably cooler and lingering spring this year. But enough about the weather.

Fun and full. That was April.

For the second time this year, Matt held down the fort beautifully for a few days while I traveled with most of our missions team from church for a conference in Asheville, NC. Matt got to see some of Brennan’s fun school activities up close and personal. This time it was the petting zoo. This boy has come a long way. Once upon a time he would’ve melted in mess of fear and trembling being so close to the bunnies.


These were the amazing people from our church whom I had the privilege of traveling with to NC. It was a jam-packed weekend that left our brains overloaded. But it was also an incredible time to see believers from all over the world come together with a united vision of purpose and mission to share Jesus’ love. I don’t know why I am so blessed with these opportunities to be a part of a group like this, but I am very thankful.


I can’t talk about the month of April without giving a huge shout-out to Matt. I mean, seriously. Four days with the kids by himself on a school day and the weekend; juggled a soccer game and a birthday party all in the same morning; everyone was alive and happy and the house was in order when I got home. He is an amazing, supportive man, and one other gift I have no idea how I was so blessed to receive.


He even put together this fun video for me to watch while I was away.

Look at my boots, everyone. They’re pretty spiffy.


She’s become quite the momma. Even the sweet ladies in our church nursery have labeled her the nurturer of all the baby dolls as she cares for them one by one.


My beautiful birthday flowers from my husband.


I don’t remember the last time I had a donut. So on the day of my birthday, the day that actually began three weeks of sickness in our home, I treated the kids to Round Rock donuts. I’m not exaggerating when I say this boy scarfed his down like he hadn’t eaten in days. I think he wouldn’t have hesitated eating the renowned gigantic RR donut if I’d let him.



After our first of five doctor’s appointments, we made a spontaneous spot at Brushy Creek Park to play. It happened to have some fabulous patches of bluebonnets. In between throwing rocks in the lake and pretend fishing, I was able to catch this treasure.


He’s my tree climbing monkey.


She’s my peek-a-booer.


And these are good and perfect gifts from a really good Father.


April marked a first for our boy: he played on his first soccer team, Team Avalanche! We’ve held off joining a team and adding additional things to our schedule, but we thought we’d give this season a test run. It’s been a lot of fun. We made it onto Coach Travis and Alex’s team, and we were really sad when Alex broke his arm. He’ll resume play in a couple of weeks, but meanwhile, he’s been an excellent cheering fan as he watches his team play.


Brennan is an intense, serious player and it shows all over his face as he’s running up and down the field. You can also tell he’s a rule follower by how studiously he stays within the boundaries.


The weekend of my birthday we had the above soccer game that my parents came in town for, and I was spoiled with a pedicure and something else unmentionable that will rank up there as one of my most embarrassing moments ever. When I returned home with my face still flushed red, I walked into this beautiful table set by my momma for my birthday dinner of homemade chicken curry. Pure loveliness.


And the cake! It tasted just as gorgeous as it looks.


For the month of April, Matt and I helped lead the nursery kids at church. Only my husband would think to make use of the clown noses given as a party favor for the attention-getting, entertaining benefit of 3-5 year olds.


A few days prior to this picture I’d thought to myself I wished for more snuggle time with my precious Kensie Jane. After we took Brennan to school, it was apparent my wee one wasn’t feeling well at all. So we went home and did just that…snuggled.


April is our yard work month. Two full weekends we spent cleaning out flower beds, mowing, trimming, weeding, and mulching. It felt so good to be done! The kids helped out and also enjoyed play time with their buddies. We’ve soaked up our time with them as today they are actually moving. Six and a half years of growing in friendship and having the neighbors you dream about where your families commune as often as possible. They’ll still be close, and we’re excited for them, but both Leah and I have said it a number of times: it’s the day we’ve dreaded, and we’re plain ol’ sad.


Matt said it just right: “Working hard or hardly working?”


She’s keen on Lego building!




Little sister. Big cheerleader.


Moments like these.


The last day of April, we had a very special visitor: Popsie! He was in town for a conference and joined us for lunch at Brennan’s school. That boy was so excited to show off his grandpa to his friends. He spent the night with us, and I had an extra special treat: a daddy-daughter date at Jack Allen’s! We enjoyed each other’s company for hours.

Only from the fullness of His love have I been given one blessing after another!



For all you precious women: friends, daughters, mothers, those longing for babies, those mourning the loss of babies, those wishing for another day with their momma, sisters, mentors, mothers-in-law…all of you precious, precious women… may you know the deep, deep love and goodness of your Maker this weekend.


I loved every single photo and every single word.

Loved this. And love your little family. You guys are so special to us. I cannot wait to hear about one of the most embarrassing moments of your life!!!

April is my favorite month, too...for several reasons...your birthday and Julie's....but your words and the pictures say everything about why it is my favorite.

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