May Days
Sunday, June 09, 2013
In any given month, I usually snap an average of 150 photos. For this past May, I didn’t even take half that number. Recently I heard someone describe May as the “December of spring time.” I think that is a very apt comparison. May was full. So when the calendar turned to June, or rather June 3rd, which was after a June 1st weekend of lots of wonderful, albeit a whirlwind of wonderful, I literally felt my shoulders relax.
The first baseball game of the season. The boy ate more than his daddy at this game.
We didn’t take any pictures of me with the kids on Mother’s Day weekend, but happened to snap this one the weekend before with my girl next to my blooming magnolia tree.
This is a shot of a day in our life. I believe this was after rest time where if the little girl wasn’t wearing the hat, her hair would be a tousled mess. While my parents have been in the process of moving, we’ve welcomed a fifth member to our family: their dog, Dapples. She is a joyful form of entertainment for us, always entering into our play times, and she sticks to us like glue.
We rarely go way down south, but this morning we took a meal to a dear couple who welcomed us into their home for an hour. Afterward, we spontaneously stopped in at the Ladybird Wildflower Center. Having never been there, I didn’t know what to expect, but we had a blast! Still in our mild spring, it was a gorgeous day to explore. The adventure backpack supplied by the Center with scavenger hunt material made the trip for Brennan. He says it’s one of his favorite places to go. Such beauty!
After our lunch on the café patio, we strolled down one of their newest trails to check out the giant, wooden swings. The entire 20 minute round-trip walk was all about snakes, thanks to the older gentleman who loudly forewarned me before entering the trail, “Make sure you keep an eye out on that boy, for there are snakes.” This being right after I nonchalantly instructed Brennan to make sure he stayed on the trail. Thanks, mister.
Not that Brennan was the fearful one. Oh, no. He kept pointing enthusiastically to rocks where the snakes could be. The repetitive, “Where are the snakes, Momma?” nearly put me over the edge. Because you see, I’m the one that dangled my keys for hours as Matt and I trekked up trails in Banff to ward off bears. I’m a little paranoid like that.
This picture I love, and was taken five minutes before Kensie Jane’s meltdown that was apparent it was time to leave. She conked out before we pulled out of the parking lot.
My special Mother’s Day brunch at Brennan’s school. A couple of days before when Brennan handed me the invitation, he said, “Kensie can come, too, Momma.”
“She can?” I replied.
“Yes, because she’s going to turn into a momma one day, too.”
So as you can see, little KJ tagged along. And the boy ate what I thought was a plate of scrumptiousness set out for me.
I just love this. It’s hard to see, but if you’re able to catch a few of the lines, they’ll make you smile.
After the Mother’s Day brunch, the little girl and I headed over to the Arboretum. We walked around and played by the cows, had our picnic, and then I treated us to an ice cream. She felt pretty special. And I’d forgotten how delicious Amy’s ice cream is. Now I think I’m hooked. The cutest part was how Kensie held her hands on her chest and did a shivering motion saying, “Brrrr,” after every bite.
This was the only picture we took on Mother’s Day. I don’t quite remember what we did, but I remember it was a lovely, restful weekend. My folks stayed with us two weekends in May to have a reprieve from their hotel stays in between moving. Lots of Popsie and Meesie time is always a hit!
On May 16th, Brennan had his last day of school. For the second year in a row, we have been tremendously blessed by the teachers and staff of his little school; and I’ve loved building relationship with them. This kid is signed up to go next year, but I’m still going back and forth on it. Obviously, she’s totally ready.
Some time that next week we hit the splash pad after we took Kensie back into the doctor to make sure her ear infection cleared up after the second round of antibiotics. Brennan was sulking and not having any fun because he slipped and fell. It was rather annoying because after all the effort it takes to put on the swim suits and gather the stuff to get out the door to take them some place fun, you’d like the kid to show a little happiness, or at the very least, expend some energy. And when that doesn’t happen, it is a little annoying.
But this child, she’s a fan of the splash pad.
Brennan’s end of year school picture. He looks like he’s in first grade!
Look, it’s Spidey!
Brennan loved his first soccer season. Cassie’s dad captured this shot on camera as he was going in for the goal.
All hot and sweaty after soccer practice. Little Kensie girl likes to assist in any way possible.
My May highlight: flying up to Washington D.C. to visit Mac and Julie and meet my precious nephew and niece! We had the best time together, and they took me to the most amazing brunch place. Oh. My. Word. Never in my life have I had such a feast. We ate at Farmers, Fishers and Bakers. But that hardly compared to the sweetness of Wynn and Maysie.
We worked out in the yard together; I had several snuggle sessions with Wynn; we took walks into Clarendon; had some fabulous one-on-one time with Mac and Julie each; bar-b-qued; got to see their church; watched some “Arrested Development”; and ate more fabulous food.
Beautiful girl. She is the spitting image of her momma, and Wynn is amazingly the spitting image of his daddy.
I deeply love them.
Before I left for D.C., I gathered some of Kensie’s clothes she outgrew and packed them up to take them with me. Brennan wondered why I didn’t have anything of his, and I explained that all of his have already been given away. But he remembered a cowboy vest of his Mees gave him when we went to Wyoming and said, “Well what about my vest. Wynn can have my vest.”
Upon getting it out of the closet and showing him, he said, “Oh, yes, it’s wonderful. Wynn will love it.”
And he did.
While I was in D.C., this incredible man held down the fort for us for five days! He and the kids started off their long weekend together with a bang: driving to Sea World for the day. They saw my folks’ new home; went to our church’s Memorial Day picnic; took it easy on a rainy day; rode bikes; made a grocery store run; and gave me the best welcome home greetings ever! Both kids woke up hearing me home and we snuggled for fifteen minutes in Brennan’s bed together while he chatted away about the whole weekend.
I love my family!
Soooo great to see and read this! Love my Scullys!
Posted by: Corrie | Tuesday, June 11, 2013 at 06:43 AM
I never saw the pic of Wynn in the vest. Do cute. Can't wait till it fits. So thankful for you and your visit.
Posted by: Julie | Tuesday, June 18, 2013 at 09:08 AM
I'm so thankful for my visit, too! I put the vest on him the morning I watched the babies for a little bit so Brennan could see him in it. :) I miss you all!
Posted by: Spicy Magnolia | Sunday, June 23, 2013 at 09:00 PM