June, Way Back When
Monday, July 22, 2013
When Brennan’s preschool ended for the year on May 16th, I approached the summer with a bit of trepidation. If there’s ever a season for me to be slightly depressed, it’s summer. We’re out of the routine, I’m responsible for thinking of things to do every day, we’re more limited in things to do outdoors because of the heat, and it’s full-on mommy every day without a break. So I hold my breath, pray a lot, and dive in. I knew I had to have a game plan, at least some semblance of a routine for the week.
Last summer, my friend, Emily, came up with a brilliant way to approach the week using both themes for that week and for the day. She invited us to tag along with them this summer. As I sat down to plan the month of June out, however, I hyperventilated. While I’m a planner, I was overwhelmed and had no idea how to fit everything in, let alone try to do something like go to the gym. So, I decided to scale down and hold the plan loosely so as not to set myself up for feeling like a failure if I didn’t meet every theme for the day and to allow for a bit of flexibility and spontaneity. But I’m so glad we have a skeleton to go by, and so far, it’s our best summer yet. Ask me how we’re doing in August <grin>. (On that note, let's just say I started this blog post in JUNE and it's now July...and things look a lot different!!! Now we're just winging it. But here was what June looked like. <grin>)
Monday: Make it Monday
Tuesday: Take a Trip, or Teach it Tuesday
Wednesday: Wet Wednesday
Thursday: Thoughtful Thursday (an act of service—i.e. taking a gift to our new neighbor)
Friday: Flick Day, Friend Friday, or Free For All
You all have probably run into these daily themes somewhere before. But where Emily is particularly brilliant and let me kindly come along with her is in her weekly themes. And it’s helped so much to use these to guide our activities and add variety.
First week of June: Legos
Second week of June: Texas
Third week of June: (camp Meesie and Popsie because we were in CA)
Fourth week of June: Music
Lastly, this was something I knew the Lord was particularly leading me to do this summer with the kiddos. Regardless of what I could plan out for the week of activities, I know I’m supposed to stick to this. It doesn’t take very long, and it’s given us good discussion. I adapted it from Beth Moore’s “Believing God” Bible study. For the month of June we focused on Who Does God Say He Is? We take an attribute of God each week to talk about, read about, and memorize a verse. God is good. God is love. God is faithful, etc… For July, it has been What Does God Say He Can Do? I've used the first few verses of Psalm 103 as a reference (He forgives all our sins, He heals all our diseases, He redeems our life from the pit, etc...). And for August it will be Who Does God Say I am? So here are some tidbits into our month of June (that now feels like forever ago.)
My parents moved into their new home the first weekend of June. We had a special church service that Sunday we needed to be at to mark the 7 year anniversary of our pastor and his wife serving our congregation, so we couldn't stay the whole weekend in San Antonio. But after Brennan's soccer game and a coffee date with some special friends who were in town visiting, we made the drive to my parents' to surprise them and help them unpack for the day. Their A/C didn't work for the first 2 hours we were there so we were sweating like pigs. The little ones helped and found an assortment of 'toys' to play with.
One of Brennan's favorite summer past times: baseball games. He got to go with his buddy Evan, and if you can't tell, he's just as excited to see Spike the dog as he is to go to the game itself.
I had minor surgery in early June and Momma came for the day to help. The kids want absolutely nothing to do with me when she's around. This was at music class and my lap was not the one being fought over.
We've had some amazing summer weather in Texas this year! This was on one of our unusually cool days where we were able to spend the afternoon outside. She's my sunshine.
During our "Texas" theme week, I took the kids to the Texas State History Museum for the first time. The highlight for all of us was the 3D IMAX video, "Flight of the Butterflies". It was incredible! It was Kensie's first movie theater experience, and I wasn't sure how it was going to go because she's my mover and shaker. For not being a snuggler, she let me hold her the entire time. The 3D glasses were too big for her so I held them up for her during the movie and she didn't move an inch.
We also walked a couple of blocks down to the Capitol. The kids enjoyed exploring and particularly liked the famous rotunda. We walked back and ate lunch at the Museum Cafe. It's been one of my top five favorite days of our summer together.
She wants to do everything he does.
My mini-me.
For Father's Day, we had a 'spoil Daddy' day for Matt on Saturday and then met my folks at the Gristmill in Gruene for an early lunch.
Kensie is either hot or cold toward my dad and it's pretty hilarious. You can tell by her face she was testing the temperature.
The next few pictures begin the "Camp Popsie and Meesie" time when Matt and I were in San Diego. They had a roaring good time! From lots of movies...
to swimming...
to bowling, they didn't miss us one bit! They know they're loved deeply by Popsie and Mees.
Mees had them on her own for the first few days, and then my Daddy came up to help. But y'all. He had the kids to himself from after breakfast through bedtime one day. Y'all. I mean, y'all! I was just in stitches over the thought of my Daddy on his own with them because while he is head over heals in love with my children and plays with them till he crashes, this would've been the first time he changed diapers for them and did it all on his own (baths, meals and all)! This was his first attempt at Kensie's diaper. Not only do I chuckle at this whole scenario, the depth of emotion I have over seeing my Daddy (and my Momma!) love on and delight in these children of mine is a wellspring. I'm so very grateful.
On their last morning together, my parents took the kids to reading time at Barnes and Nobles where they met up with precious friends, Ron and Tycha and their grandson, Warren. They are lifelong friends. I wanted to live with them if anything ever happened to my parents, and Tycha was my third grade teacher. It's uncanny to see her here now with my little girl. I pray Ron and Tycha know how much they're loved by my family.
Brennan's first day of his first Vacation Bible School.
For VBS, we went to the church where Brennan goes to pre-school. I was flabbergasted at the awesome decor! It was so fun and he had a fabulous week. I love, love, love the ladies at his school and who also helped with VBS.
This lovely girl and I spent some good time together in the mornings during VBS week.
For the first time in forever, I took a bath where my boys left me this message.
A library date. While Brennan will sit, observe and listen, she will fully participate in whatever dance, hand motions, or sound mimicking is done during story time.
Decked out on our way to a pool party.
One of the great joys of being a mom is watching your kids play well with other kids and make friends. This was at Lauren's birthday party. She and Kensie Jane are exactly a month a part and thoroughly enjoy playing together, just as Brennan and Cayden do (seen in the background). If you haven't noticed yet, Kensie thinks she's smiling when she scrunches her nose.
Loving their spoils from the birthday party right before we headed over to Rob and Leah's for dinner. On this particular Saturday, they went swimming with Matt in the morning, had a swim party in the afternoon and got to go over to friends' house for dinner and play more. These were a couple of happy, albeit tired, kiddos.
And that wraps up June...finally!
well at least we know why it took you a while to post this blog.....soooooo busy! my friend I am proud of myself if I do one thing each day and you have every minute mapped out. glad we have it all documented so i can copy. leg work has been done for me. thanks in advance :)
Posted by: Julie | Tuesday, July 23, 2013 at 07:32 PM
So fun to see pics of your summer and glad you joined along with us! Wow, you have been busy!
Posted by: Emily | Wednesday, July 24, 2013 at 07:35 AM
Fun, busy month!! Love you all!!
Posted by: Corrie | Thursday, July 25, 2013 at 12:24 PM